Have you just learned about the JACE control system and now wondering how does it work with the HVAC systems?
If yes, then you are at the right place.
In this article, we are going to discuss what is a JACE in HVAC? How does it work? Why is it needed? What are the pros and cons of JACE in HVAC? How do we install and troubleshoot it? And much more.
What does JACE stand for in HVAC?
In HVAC systems, JACE stands for Java Application Control Engine.
JACE is a very powerful and effective platform that is mostly used for the automation and integration of different systems present in a building.
It is an embedded internet of things (IoT) server and controller platform that connects different kinds of devices, systems, and subsystems present in a building such as the heating, ventilating, and cooling system (HVAC), home security system, electrical system, and much more.
This control box makes sure that the different systems in a building can integrate and communicate with each other. It collects, organizes, and presents real-time data about the connected systems (HVAC in this case)in the form of rich graphical displays.
The data helps you understand different trends and facts about the HVAC systems working in your building. You can analyze the available data for better energy saving, maximum efficiency, integrated room management, etc. This way you can determine if the HVAC system is meeting your requirements or not and how can you improve it.
How does a JACE controller work?
JACE is a hardware platform that is based on the Niagara framework (a complete IoT software infrastructure that connects different systems, subsystems, and devices with each other such as HVAC systems.
The working of a JACE controller is not very simple. It is a complete technical process that involves multiple technical factors. But in general, the entire working of the JACE system is based on the principles of the internet of things (IoT).
JACE controller system works by providing us network management, data logging, scheduling, alarming, supervision, and integrated control with the help of web serving capability and internet connection.
This control box also streams rich graphical displays and data on a standard web browser. It does so either remotely over the internet OR by using wireless LAN and ethernet.
Do HVAC need JACE controllers?
It depends upon your needs. Not all HVAC systems need JACE controllers.
You cannot answer this question in a single YES or NO. The reason is that some HVAC systems may need JACE controllers whereas some HVAC systems may not need any JACE controllers at all. It depends upon your goals &what you want to achieve.
Let me make it easier for you to understand.
When do you need a JACE controller for your HVAC?
If you are managing something very big like a hospital, school, university, a big residential or company building where you have multiple HVAC systems then you will need a JACE controller for them.
You can bring all the HVAC systems of your building into a single control system with the help of a JACE controller. It will help you save energy and maximize the efficiency of your systems.
Moreover, the JACE control box will provide you with very useful live data about the HVAC systems on a web user interface. The data visualization is very good due to the rich graphs.
You may be able to collect and analyze data like temperature and humidity levels in different rooms, run time of HVAC units, where the most energy is being consumed, etc. This will help you make better decisions based on facts.
When you don’t need a JACE controller for your HVAC?
If you just have an HVAC system for chilling at home or office then you probably don’t need to integrate different HVAC systems.
You also won’t need any data for analysis about the working of HVAC systems in your building.
In such a case, there is no need for a JACE controller.
This way you can find out whether you need a JACE controller or not.
The bottom line is that you may need a JACE controller if you have multiple HVAC systems in a building and you want to control/monitor them together and you also need data about their performance for analysis OR you want to integrate your HVAC system with the other systems present in the building such as electric system, home security system, and other HVAC systems, etc.
You do not need a JACE controller if you only need an HVAC for cooling your home or office room. You do not need any data about the working of the HVAC system. You do not want to integrate the HVAC system with another HVAC or other systems& devices in your house.
In all these cases, you won’t need a JACE controller because when your goal is just getting cooling and a comfortable environment, then you can get it without using JACE as well.
Pros of JACE controller in HVAC
What are some benefits of using a JACE controller for your HVAC system? Let’s take a complete look at them:
1. No communication barrier
JACE controller allows you to connect all the HVAC systems into a single control. This technology helps all the systems to communicate with each other& also share data.
It will help you control all the HVAC systems and make them work together more effectively. You will even get useful data about their performance that will help you make better decisions.
2. Useful data
JACE controller streams very useful data and graphs on a standard web browser by using the internet, ethernet, or wireless LAN.
You can get key info like temperature & humidity levels of rooms in a building. Running time of HVAC units. Which HVAC unit is consuming the most energy? Working trends of different HVAC systems in the building, etc.
You can analyze all this data and use it for making important decisions.
You can utilize it for increasing energy savings and the efficiency of your HVAC systems.
3. Cool features
Using a JACE controller provides you with some very amazing and useful features.
Experts say that JACE provides you with features like data logging, integrated control, supervision, scheduling, alarming, and network management.
Moreover, it streams rich graphs and other important data about the HVAC systems on a standard web browser.
You can use all these features and useful data for increasing the collective working efficiency of the HVAC systems and also save energy.
4. Save energy and money
Like we said above, the JACE controller provides you with very rich and useful data that you can utilize for better decision-making.
The data analysis of the HVAC systems will help you take better decisions. You will be able to collectively operate the HVAC systems with more power and efficiency.
JACE will help you run the HVAC systems as per your requirements. It will help you save energy and money.
Cons of JACE controller in HVAC
Nothing is perfect in this world. Everything has its drawbacks. Similarly, JACE also has some drawbacks. So, let’s take a look at them:
1. Price
Some people often have problems with the price of the JACE controller. The cost of the entire installation & integration process can be unaffordable for some people.
2. Licensing
You may dislike the new licensing fee and requirements.
3. Architecture constraints
Experts say that JACE has architecture constraints.
For example, it is said that JACE does not work very well if there’s a flat Lonworks architecture.
JACE 8000 controller Honeywell
Honeywell is one of the leading companies in the world. This company also manufactures the JACE 8000 controller.
The JACE 8000 controller made by Honeywell has universal wall-mounted power supplies.
JACE 8000 controller and server platform is based on IoT (internet of things). This control box is very good for connecting different devices, systems, and subsystems in a building.
For example, connecting all the HVAC systems, home security systems, or lighting systems into one main dataset and control center.
JACE 8000 installation
How do you install the JACE 8000 controller? Is it difficult or easy?
The JACE 8000 controller has a special modular design which makes the entire installation process very easier.
It offers tool-less installation and expansion capability. Due to this, the whole installation process becomes less complex and simpler.
The user manuals are also well-written. You can take out the installation guide and follow the given steps to smoothly install a JACE 8000 controller.
JACE 8000 troubleshooting
If you are encountering any problem with the JACE 8000 controller, then there are a couple of ways for troubleshooting it.
- Follow the guidelines given in your user manual guide. Identify the problem and follow the given instructions to fix it.
- Take the help of the internet. You can search up the problem you are having and there will be plenty of articles, forums, and video tutorials to help you fix it.
- Call their customer support.
- Take the help of a professional who has good knowledge of dealing with JACE 8000 controllers.
Do I need to install a new HVAC system for setting up aJACE controller?
No, you do not need to install a new HVAC system for setting up a JACE controller system.
The best thing about JACE is that it can be set up on the existing HVAC systems as well. You can use JACE for integrating all the existing systems, subsystems, and devices in your building.
There is no need for installing a new HVAC system. This will help you save a lot of money and enjoy the benefits of the JACE controller.